AMA CRAI Est is the logistics division for the CRAI group in the North-east. The company is responsible for managing suppliers and organising the flow of goods from the logistics centre to the individual stores. The aim of the event organised by Baobab Communication was to celebrate the first 50 years of business through an event especially for AMA CRAI Est members, held at the Palazzo del Casinò on the Venice Lido.
It took over 6 months to research and define each detail of the event to achieve a celebration that satisfied both client and agency and respected the traditions of brand the identity, while fulfilling the objectives of entertainment, sharing corporate values, and creating a memorable experience.
Avete notato il nostro nuovo payoff?
Si scrive TOGETHERE ma si pronuncia TOGETHER e per noi significa “stare insieme” ma anche qualcosa di più.
Vicinanza, unione, condivisione, inclusione: tutti concetti molto complessi, che abbiamo approfondito e sperimentato in questi primi 20 anni di “Think And Do”.
Ma anche TO GET THERE: lavorare per arrivare a una certa meta, guardare al futuro senza mai fermarsi, perché arrivati davvero non lo siamo mai, e se dopo 20 anni siamo qui, chissà tra altri 20! Non la pensi anche tu così?
Stop thinking, start doing.
Let's meet and talk about it.